
I have bits of half-started & nearly-finished writing all over the place – in wallet-sized notebooks, in books of dreams & drawings, in a box full of sticky notes…scrawled comments, ideas, notes, quotes & other crapola.

I often wonder if it’s worth keeping any or all of these scraps. If they haven’t turned into anything yet, perhaps they never will or they were never meant to. Every now and then, though, I’ll get a little spark from one of them & then I may be compelled to expand on whatever that thought was.

Some of the works on this website are expanded from scraps but other bits were written with a purpose in mind, no desire to save that thought for later! And then there are the road trips & random thoughts, strange yellow things on corners, signs at the edges of cliffs, cemeteries & music. Always music.

Just some of the things that make up a life of sorts.